Friday, October 31, 2008

Mock US Parliamentary Debate at USIS

An American diplomat wished everybody a happy Halloween through his false specs and nose, kick starting what was to be a fun filled evening at the American Library, as students from various Kolkata colleges (Jadavpur University, Calcutta International Academy, City College and NUJS) participated in a mock US Presidential debate on 31st October 2008.

People felt that the “McCain-guy” looked more like Obama and vice-versa...Each began with lines of the actual first Presidential debate. McCain talked about Democrats and Republicans coming to sit together and decide the future of the country. Obama stressed on how they needed change from the last eight years of the Bush rule. The first five minutes felt like one was watching a quick replay of the three presidential debate rounds. Once they had to start fielding the panellists’ questions though, things finally spiced up. The questions ranged from terrorism and Iraq to the recession, tax cuts and questions on finance policies. Some questions also came from obscure corners such as what would Obama’s policy be on the extraction of Shale oil and what was McCain’s stand on a woman’s reproductive choice. Policy towards China was questioned, and issues of illegal immigration, nuclear power and racial discrimination were also discussed. As one panellist from Jadavpur University said, in indignation at “McCain” having corrected her facts, “The panellists have done their homework.”

In all fairness, the two contestants knew their statistics excellently well and knew perfectly the real senators’ stands on all issues broached. Both the “candidates” were quick on their feet and there were enough jibes from Obama to McCain in reference to his “failing memory” to keep the interest running. Obama kept going out of order by interrupting McCain’s speech, which was fun to watch (not the speech: the interruptions) and they drove the moderator to slip them a slip requesting them to not speak out of turn…

Amongst other things, it was funny when McCain spoke of the “abortion of women,” and also how badly he felt about the war in Iraq. “I was in the army. So were my fathers and grandfathers…”

“Obama” won the mock debate by 42 to 22 votes.

Some things are just fore-ordained.

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